Saturday, April 4, 2020

Delete the Fear

Does it feel like FEAR is overtaking the planet? I know you've heard this acronym before, but it's good to remember. F-E-A-R is always created by False Evidence Appearing Real. I'm not crying 'false media.' Not at all. They are reporting what they see. We need to ask, 'Is what they see real?' 

This applies to so many things - the list is too long to copy here. So let's take one thing - the corona virus.  Did you know that more people die from the common flu every year than have died from this new virus? Did you also know that only a minority of those who contract this virus actually get very ill? Also, those who do get seriously ill are those with already compromised immune systems. Exactly what happens with the flu. 

What compromises your immune system? 

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Fear (hmm... fear causes you to get more easily sick which causes more fear...)
  • Trauma
  • Conditions you already have because of the above. (heart disease, auto-immune disease, etc)
  1. Meditation - I know, you've tried it, too hard.... What if it is easier than you believe? What if only 5 minutes a day of getting into that drifting place is all you need? True! I can help with that . 
  1. Move! And make that movement FUN! Forget the 'no pain, no gain' mantra and do something that lights you up. Play baseball, dance, swim, run around with your kids... I invite you to join me on Monday nights for Line Dancing. We are having a blast. Contact me for more info. 
  1. Feed your body well. This gets sticky for some of you - so many Points of View out there. We do know the basics - lots of color on your plate, avoid sugar, most should also avoid gluten as it's very inflammatory, take a good multi vitamin  for so many reasons. if you want more exact info on what your body wants, look at my Guided Nutrition reading. 
  1. Sleep. Sleep is not a luxury. Sleep is an absolute necessity, and we are talking 7-9 hours a night. This can be broken into segments if necessary. 
  1. Essential Oils - Such a quick and easy way to change your body's vibration and boost your immune system. They are the Earth's gift of healing. You can start simple and go as far as you like. I offer education on this if you are interested. Bi-Monthly chats on zoom, private classes, and more. I recommend everyone have the OnGuard products on hand for when any infection gets into the house. 
  1. Finally - My work is all about helping you delete emotional energy that is no longer serving you. The services are varied and you can find out more here. What would you life look like if you could easily get rid of stress? 

I hope you see the pattern here. Delete Stress, Fear, Anxiety, Emotions from Trauma, and you quickly boost your immune system. 

Would you like some tools to help with that? Great. Here goes.
I hope you realize after reading this far that YOU have the POWER to stay healthy. I am hear as a guide to help you remember how powerful you are. 

Sending you lots of love and light. 