Thursday, September 20, 2007

Protect Your Cells

How To Protect Your Cells ...In Less Than 1 Minute

The potential benefits of increasing your intake of antioxidants:

* Facilitates thyroid hormone action
* Natural anti-depressant
* Natural diuretic
* Normalizes blood sugar levels
* Restores proper cell oxygen levels
* Restores libido
* Normalizes Zinc and Copper levels
* Normalizes blood clotting
* Protects against breast Fibrocysts
* Helps prevent breast cancer
* Helps prevent Endometrial Cancer
* Necessary for survival of the Embryo
* Maintains Secretory Endometrium
* Stimulates Osteoblasts for Osteoporosis reversal
* Precursor for Cortisone Production to relieve Arthritis

There is a 400 hundred year old discovery that is crucial in the fight against a destructive molecule known as the "free radical" and its role in disease.

Our body's produce a certain level of antioxidants, but over time our body's production of antioxidants starts to decline which leaves the cells in your body susceptible to serious damage.

Your body is a collection of different types of cells working both individually and collectively as organs, each assigned to do specific functions for the benefit of the body. In order for these cells to function properly each cell must be protected from damage as much as possible.

Antioxidants help protect your cells from damage. If your cells are doing their best then your organs will function properly as well, thereby slowing the deterioration of your organs and allowing your body to last longer.

Even though aging is ultimately inevitable it is important for you to realize that certain diseases like strokes, heart attacks, cataracts, cancer, senility and other ailments should not be considered part of the normal process of aging.

Medical research has provided extensive evidence that these diseases are mainly caused by a breakdown in your body's key defense systems that protect the body from the ravages of free radicals.

A free radical is an atom or group of atoms that contain at least one unpaired electron. If an electron is unpaired then another atom or molecule can easily bond to it causing a chemical reaction. These molecules have become damaged during normal bodily function, known as oxidation, and as a result of environmental pollutants. Free radicals then trigger a chain of free radical reactions possibly creating a wide range of trauma to the cells in your body.

However, Antioxidants attack and neutralize these free radicals to stop further cell damage and they protect our bodies from the diseases caused by free radicals.

The Physician's Desk Reference (page 1542) shows that vitamins and minerals in a pill form are only 10 to 20% absorbed by the body. In contrast vitamins and minerals in liquid form are up to 98% absorbed.

TrueGreens, a 100% vegetarian concentrated green-food formula that TASTES GREAT!

The USDA recommends at least two servings per day of green foods. One serving of TrueGreens easily provides one full recommended serving.

TrueGreens is a treasure chest of over 30 concentrated, organic and natural ingredients. Many are well known for use in anti-aging formulas.

Each serving includes a combination of many antioxidants such as phyto-nutrients, GLA, lycopene, tocopherol, and proanthocyanidin from grape seed extract, as well as delphinidin from Bilberry.

TrueGreens is also rich in probiotics, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, fiber, chlorophyll, and provides a healthy serving of noni.

Just as important, TrueGreens has a "rebalancing effect" on the body's pH. This can stimulate cellular cleansing throughout, which is clearly needed in today's toxic environment.

TrueGreens contains both whole leaf and juice powders. The leaves are ground ultra-fine to allow maximum absorption and still provide necessary fiber. Another unique feature of TrueGreens is that is contains isoflavones, of which two (daidzein and genistein) are referenced by research to improve cardiovascular health.

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Dangerous Doctors

By Paul Devlin - Life Force International

The information I am about to share with you is truly hard to believe. It came out in 2000 and very few people even noticed it. When you read it, you might think of it as a joke or as a lead story in a supermarket tabloid....

It can't possibly be true...right?

But this information comes from the most reputable medical journal in the world! Are we so programmed by the medical establishment that even as we read the words, something tells us it can't possibly be true? We need to get our heads out of the sand! This report should have been front page news down at the New York Times.

I am not a conspiracy guy. I am not ready to say that all doctors and hospitals are bad. Not at all. Far from it. But I am a data guy! This data needs to be addressed by the health care industry, but until it is, it's BUYER BEWARE!

Read this medical journal article and think about some of the things you can do to keep yourself and your family safe. It's also good to pat yourself on the back for being willing to invest time and money to promote a product like Body Balance, and the rest of the Life Force product line. It's a good thing you are doing.

Are you ready for this?? It's a little long, but it's definitely worth your time. OK, here it is...


Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US, Causing 225,000 Deaths Every Year

This article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is the best article I have ever seen written in the published literature documenting the tragedy of the traditional medical paradigm.

This information is a followup of the Institute of Medicine report which hit the papers in December of last year, but the data was hard to reference as it was not in peer-reviewed journal. Now it is published in JAMA which is the most widely circulated medical periodical in the world.

The author is Dr. Barbara Starfield of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health and she desribes how the US health care system may contribute to poor health.


  • 12,000 -- unnecessary surgery
  • 7,000 -- medication errors in hospitals
  • 20,000 -- other errors in hospitals
  • 80,000 -- infections in hospitals
  • 106,000 -- non-error, negative effects of drugs

These total to 225,000 deaths per year from iatrogenic causes!! What does the word iatrogenic mean? This term is defined as induced in a patient by a physician's activity, manner, or therapy. Used especially of a complication of treatment.

Dr. Starfield offers several warnings in interpreting these numbers:

  • First, most of the data are derived from studies in hospitalized patients.
  • Second, these estimates are for deaths only and do not include negative effects that are associated with disability or discomfort.
  • Third, the estimates of death due to error are lower than those in the IOM report.

If the higher estimates are used, the deaths due to iatrogenic causes would range from 230,000 to 284,000. In any case, 225,000 deaths per year constitutes the third leading cause of death in the United States, after deaths from heart disease and cancer. Even if these figures are overestimated, there is a wide margin between these numbers of deaths and the next leading cause of death (cerebrovascular disease).


Paul's notes:

Are you seeing that data? This is 225,000 people killed in one year. These people are killed because of a bad interaction they had with a doctor, a drug, or a virus, and it happened to them in a hospital. This does not include people who would have died anyway. This is strictly mistakes. It doesn't include injuries! And if anything, the numbers appear to be understated.

Let's put this in perspective...

In the Vietnam war, which lasted from 1959 to 1975 (16 years) we lost approximately 50,000 people. That's an average of 3125 deaths per year. This means that iatrogenic deaths are 72 times higher than deaths caused by the Vietnam war. In Iraq, approximately 1,050,000 soldiers have served over the past four years with around 3000 deaths. That means the chances of being killed in Iraq are 3/10ths of 1%, and on average, we are losing about 750 men and women per year. It's a tragic thing. But in terms of total mortality rates, visiting a doctor at a hospital is roughly 300 times more life threatening to US citizens than serving in Iraq as a soldier.

Interesting, isn't it? My point is not to justify war. My point is to ask -- where is the outcry? Where are the protests? Where are the consumer protection agencies? Where is the rage about this?

Where is the New York Times? When you are safer in a live combat zone than you are in a US hospital, I'd say we've got some real challenges to consider. In a war zone, the enemy is TRYING to kill you. In the hospital, they are trying to save you...hmmmm.

OK, let's continue...


Another analysis concluded that between 4% and 18% of consecutive patients experience negative effects in outpatient settings,with:

  • 116 million extra physician visits
  • 77 million extra prescriptions
  • 17 million emergency department visits
  • 8 million hospitalizations
  • 3 million long-term admissions
  • 199,000 additional deaths
  • $77 billion in extra costs

The high cost of the health care system is considered to be a deficit, but seems to be tolerated under the assumption that better health results from more expensive care.

However, evidence from a few studies indicates that as many as 20% to 30% of patients receive inappropriate care.

An estimated 44,000 to 98,000 among them die each year as a result of medical errors.

This might be tolerated if it resulted in better health, but does it? Of 13 countries in a recent comparison, the United States ranks an average of 12th (second from the bottom) for 16 available health indicators. More specifically, the ranking of the US on several indicators was:

  • 13th (last) for low-birth-weight percentages
  • 13th for neonatal mortality and infant mortality overall
  • 11th for postneonatal mortality
  • 13th for years of potential life lost (excluding external causes)
  • 11th for life expectancy at 1 year for females, 12th for males
  • 10th for life expectancy at 15 years for females, 12th for males
  • 10th for life expectancy at 40 years for females, 9th for males
  • 7th for life expectancy at 65 years for females, 7th for males
  • 3rd for life expectancy at 80 years for females, 3rd for males
  • 10th for age-adjusted mortality

The poor performance of the US was recently confirmed by a World Health Organization study, which used different data and ranked the United States as 15th among 25 industrialized countries.

There is a perception that the American public "behaves badly" by smoking, drinking, and perpetrating violence." However the data does not support this assertion.

  • The proportion of females who smoke ranges from 14% in Japan to 41% in Denmark; in the United States, it is 24% (fifth best). For males, the range is from 26% in Sweden to 61% in Japan; it is 28% in the United States (third best).
  • The US ranks fifth best for alcoholic beverage consumption.
  • The US has relatively low consumption of animal fats (fifth lowest in men aged 55-64 years in 20 industrialized countries) and the third lowest mean cholesterol concentrations among men aged 50 to 70 years among 13 industrialized countries.

Lack of technology is certainly not a contributing factor to the US's low ranking.

Among 29 countries, the United States is second only to Japan in the availability of magnetic resonance imaging units and computed tomography scanners per million population. 17

Japan, however, ranks highest on health, whereas the US ranks among the lowest. It is possible that the high use of technology in Japan is limited to diagnostic technology not matched by high rates of treatment, whereas in the US, high use of diagnostic technology may be linked to more treatment. Supporting this possibility are data showing that the number of employees per bed (full-time equivalents) in the United States is highest among the countries ranked, whereas they are very low in Japan, far lower than can be accounted for by the common practice of having family members rather than hospital staff provide the amenities of hospital care.


Paul's notes:

Notice who ranks #1 in health according to JAMA?

It's Japan again! The Okinawa Centenarian Study from 1976 proved it -- the Japanese have 4 times more centenarians than we do. They contract deadly diseases at a much lower rate! Sound familiar?

And what do these Japanese eat that is so different from everybody else? What rather bizarre vegetable makes up 25% of their traditional diet? Sea vegetables of course! The rest is fish, root vegetables, leafy green vegetables, fruits and rice. And don't forget the green tea!

But credit Wayne Hillman and Life Force for being the first US company (that I am aware of) to pick-up on this correlation and make 9 carefully selected varieties of sea vegetables available to US customers in a great tasting liquid. It's quite an accomplishment. And I believe it has big ramifications for health.
That's why I put everyone in sight on Body Balance -- whether the business is a fit or not!

So take this information and be aware of it. Understand that the medical paradigm under which we are currently operating, is not only outrageously expensive, but it can be deadly as well. It turns out that 225,000 of our citizens who were seeking health in one of our hospitals, ended up with a very different outcome. About 72 times more deadly each year for Americans than the war in Iraq.

Think about this: if you find yourself scared to get on an airplane, but you feel confident and safe going to the doctor -- you might want to reorient your fears a little bit. The airplane is thousands of times safer!

With these new statistics, we need to get educated and take steps to protect ourselves from the [new] 3rd leading cause of death. First, we need prevention. We need to limit our exposure to it. Second, if we do have to expose ourselves to the risk, we need to watch and be aware of everything that is happening. We need to ask questions and be cautious about what we are allowing the medical industry to offer us as their idea of assistance! There are lots of great doctors and lots of great care out there -- just be vigilant and make sure you are finding it.

Pass this along and pay it forward to the people you care about.
And keep taking your Body Balance!


Journal American Medical Association July 26, 2000;284(4):483-5


1. Schuster M, McGlynn E, Brook R. How good is the quality of
health care in the United States? Milbank Q. 1998;76:517-563.

2. Kohn L, ed, Corrigan J, ed, Donaldson M, ed. To Err Is Human:
Building a Safer Health System. Washington, DC: National Academy
Press; 1999.

3. Starfield B. Primary Care: Balancing Health Needs, Services,
and Technology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 1998.

4. World Health Report 2000. Accessed June 28, 2000.

5. Kunst A. Cross-national Comparisons of Socioeconomic
Differences in Mortality. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Erasmus
; 1997.

6. Law M, Wald N. Why heart disease mortality is low in France:
the time lag explanation. BMJ. 1999;313:1471-1480.

7. Starfield B. Evaluating the State Children's Health Insurance
Program: critical considerations. Annu Rev Public Health.

8. Leape L.Unecessarsary surgery. Annu Rev Public Health.

9. Phillips D, Christenfeld N, Glynn L. Increase in US
medication-error deaths between 1983 and 1993. Lancet.

10. Lazarou J, Pomeranz B, Corey P. Incidence of adverse drug
reactions in hospitalized patients. JAMA. 1998;279:1200-1205.

11. Weingart SN, Wilson RM, Gibberd RW, Harrison B. Epidemiology
and medical error. BMJ. 2000;320:774-777.

12. Wilkinson R. Unhealthy Societies: The Afflictions of
Inequality. London, England: Routledge; 1996.

13. Evans R, Roos N. What is right about the Canadian health
system? Milbank Q. 1999;77:393-399.

14. Guyer B, Hoyert D, Martin J, Ventura S, MacDorman M, Strobino
D. Annual summary of vital statistics1998. Pediatrics.

15. Harrold LR, Field TS, Gurwitz JH. Knowledge, patterns of
care, and outcomes of care for generalists and specialists. J Gen
Intern Med. 1999;14:499-511.

16. Donahoe MT. Comparing generalist and specialty care:
discrepancies, deficiencies, and excesses. Arch Intern Med.

17. Anderson G, Poullier J-P. Health Spending, Access, and
Outcomes: Trends in Industrialized Countries. New York, NY: The
Commonwealth Fund; 1999.

18. Mold J, Stein H. The cascade effect in the clinical care of
patients. N Engl J Med. 1986;314:512-514.

19. Shi L, Starfield B. Income inequality, primary care, and
health indicators. J Fam Pract.1999;48:275-284.

15514 Fire Mountain Rd, Paonia, CO 81428, USA

Monday, September 10, 2007

Calcium in OsteoProCare - Dr. Nieper

The Benefits of Calcium Orotate.

This is the most expensive of the carrier chelates, which is why so many companies fall back to using calcium citrate or calcium carbonate.
When you combine this powerful ingredient (in liquid form no less) with other high quality ingredients like magnesium, glucosamine, chondroitin and other vitamins and minerals, it sets OsteoProCare apart from anything else currently in the marketplace.

Dr. H. A. Nieper, M.D.Paracelsus Klinik Hannover,Germany
Translated from"Zeitschrift fur praklinische GERIATRIE"Vol. 3, 4/73
[1 also known as calcium diorotate]
A specific function in relation to pentose metabolism of bradytrophic tissue?
We are presenting here an orientation into the clinical effect of calcium orotate. Calcium orotate is absolutely free of any side effects and in this respect, it is far superior to all the conventional calcium salts now being used. Because calcium orotate can penetrate the complex cell membranes, it can compensate for a disturbed calcium transport through these cell membranes. In addition, calcium orotate has a special affinity for bradytrophic tissue -cartilage, for example - where it is metabolized.Parallel studies have shown that a defective calcium transport through the cell membrane is of great pathogenetical significance.

Previous experience, up to now:
We have employed calcium orotate extensively since1968, hospitalized and ambulatory, to treat decalcification conditions and even in many cases,immunological diseases. The results accomplished here are in complete accord with what we discovered in 1959concerning the transmembrane transport complex.

Calcium is first released as an ion, on the cytoplasma membrane level, because orotic acid is chiefly metabolized there, not in the outer cell membrane. The clinical results that we have seen up to now are very encouraging, with a minimum of side effects completely unparalleled with anything that we have seen in the entire field of calcium supplementation.

And what is more, in suitable cases, this substance is a very satisfactory agent in the recalcification of metastatic defects in the skeletal system (1), (2). I reported this at the 1970 cancer congress in Houston.The results of calcium orotate therapy with juvenile decalcification and with osteoporosis of the aged, are completely satisfactory for the first time, especially in view of the absence of side effects. This finding was contrary to all my previous experience with recalcification therapy.

The very remarkable results which we have achieved in hip joint plastic surgery, (3) are due to a hardeningof the bone by preliminary treatment with calcium orotate. Previously, in this periodical, I reported the recalcification of bone metastases. Illustration1. show another patient (f), in which a severe defect of the acetabular roof was so improved (recalcified),that hopeless immobilization was replaced by fully normal, pain-free locomotive ability. This was accomplished after about 2.5g calcium orotate tgl 2 for10 weeks. A long period of therapy with a conventional calcium seltzer, had been carried out previously, with no effect.
2tgl=daily (from the German "taglich")

Calcium Orotate and Liver:
A several year search through many long term treatments with calcium orotate for side effects was absolutely negative. On the contrary, a whole series of positive observations came to light, which may be connected with the unique transmembrane calcium transport. We should mention here, that there is still quite a bit of clinical interest here. I will discuss this before I dwell on the main theme of the skeletal effect of calcium orotate.

One noteworthy observation is that patients with chronic cholangitis and light cases of chronichepatitis - and also in severe aggressive cases - show a considerable improvement in their ailments, their state of health, their gall function, and to some extent, their biochemical and biological findings.This is especially true under long term therapy. It appears to be associated with an anti-inflammatory effect on the mesenchymal stroma system in the liver.The carrier molecule - orotic acid - has an especially high affinity for mesenchymal tissue (4). Free oroticacid, magnesium orotate, or other calcium salts do not show this effect on the liver. We should refer here to the research of Deborah Doniach (10) on allimmunological liver disease - with and without cirrhosis - concerning antimitochondrial (notanticellular) antibodies, as sickness motivation.

Calcium orotate liberates its calcium ion - this the classic anti-inflammatory principle - at the level of the mitochondrial membrane. This explains the anti-inflammatory effect in the liver.
Four patients who had taken, on the average, 3g of calcium orotate in stomach acid resistant capsules per day, for more than a year, submitted to a liver puncture. (For reasons which had nothing to do with the application of calcium orotate.) In all cases there was no sign of fatty liver development. Quite the contrary, three of the patients with stage 3 fatty liver showed a remarkable improvement under long term calcium orotate therapy.
The first patient was a teamster - very heavy consumption of alcohol. His condition had been aconstant stage III for six years. After one year of therapy - tgl 2g calcium orotate - not only were the complaints lessened, but a liver biopsy showed nothing but a normal amount of fat accumulation.

Another patient - U.S. American (f) - came to us for treatment for a severe case of fatty liver. In just ten days, after tgl 6g calcium orotate therapy, the complaint was improved and also a mild case of aundice was cleared up, which had been with her for three years, following an influenza attack. After three weeks, a biopsy showed a dramatic improvement.
Every possible liver therapy had been tried earlier,both in the United States, and here in Germany, with no success whatsoever. A third case of fatty liver III, showed a similar improvement after hyperalimentation.

It is absolutely necessary that we conduct a very thorough investigation on this effect of calcium orotate on fatty liver. We must remember that the lipase enzymes which are necessary for the mobilization of stored fat, are activated by Ca++. I might assume, in this connection, that the primary source of fatty liver is a defective calcium transit in the liver cell. A magnesium washout caused by chronic alcoholism, in the liver cell membrane, could explain this. Mg++ is necessary in the cell membrane for Ca-transit into the cell. (6a) Anything which disturbs or injures the cell membrane function can affect calcium transit through the cell membrane. So there are possibly some other significant considerations, such as essential hypertonia or the ingestion of detergents which stick to kitchen utensils after washing. Also a far too rich in carbohydrates puts a strain on the P-pools and likewise interrupts the Ca-transport through the membranes. Free orotic acid has no effect on the fatty liver condition. Likewise the same is true for magnesium orotate.

Effect on Heart and Circulation:
Another interesting observation is of a moderate, too ften marked, dropping of the blood pressure with fixed hypertonia. This treatment will elevate the lowered blood pressure both in the chronic, as well as the light form of renal hypertonia. Normal blood pressure is not affected. What is especially convincing is the disappearance of angina pains,especially with a hypertrophied heart. In addition,the improvement is remarkably good with infarctanamnesis with hypertonia and a distinct sclerosis of the heart. Digitalis or Strophanthin tolerance appears to be better. With a dosage of 10g calcium diorotate tgl., no incompatibility of Digitalis can be observed,in the EKG, subjectively, or otherwise. Probably because no membraneous calcium ions are created. In this connection, I must point out that some time ago,Kaufmann and coworkers (Kaufmann and Mitarbeit) (11),researched the problem of defective or insufficient calcium transit in hypertrophia of the heart muscles.

They conclude that this is the reason for contractile insufficiency, in hypertrophy and other metabolic problems of the hypertrophic heart. Special reference must be made to the papers of the Kaufmann group. We have made a series of tests with 14 year old dogs on a14 percent incline. Our results were a very good confirmation of the pathogenic mechanism that Kaufmann portrayed. We will give you the details in a later article.

Rilling (12) has verified the research of Zondek (13)and Kylin (14) with his comprehensive spectrographic studies. These authors maintain that essential hypertonia is a cellular calcium-deficient pathognomonic condition. This interpretation is much the same as Kaufmann's explanation of heart muscle hypertrophy and would explain the blood pressure-lowering effect of calcium orotate. At the time thatNieper and Laborit were doing clinical research on potassium magnesium aspartate, we hoped to be able to correct disturbances of the heart action regulation system. Except for a suppression of ventricular and supraventricular extrastole, this hope was not realized. (15)

As you know, the heart action regulation system is musculature in nature, which consists of a different type of metabolism, the direct oxygen or "pentose pathway". The stimulatory regulation of ganglion tissue provide especially good protection against oxygen deficiency intrafetally and later. Orotic acid plays an essential role in the pentose pathway, and so appears to be the electrolyte transporter needed for that tissue. In view of that, it should not be surprising to learn that we were able to normalize apparently therapy-resistant tachyarrhythmia with auricle flutter, in three doses, with a dosage of 5g calcium tgl.
After this excursus, I would like to mention the immune-inhibiting effect (as already reported) (4), of calcium orotate on a succession of bradytrophic tissues.

Specific Effect On Cartilage:
It was first reported by White towards the end of1969, that calcium orotate showed an astounding curative effect on the Tietze syndrome. These reports were repeated over and over during 1970 and 1971, so that we were induced to try calcium orotate in three cases of stubborn Tietze syndrome. The effect of the calcium orotate was indeed surprising - all details of the White article were fully verified.

Tietze syndrome, according to our information, is much more common in the US than here in Germany. According to White, the syndrome is suppressed by very low doses- down to 1g/week, which we could verify. A dosage of500mg/day is fully effective. It is highly significant that there is no effect whatsoever from calcium EAP,calcium-L dl aspartate (calciretard), calciumgluconate, calcium citrate, magnesium orotate, and K-MG-aspartate, upon the Tietze syndrome.

On the basis of our knowledge of the effect of calcium orotate on the Tietze syndrome, we must conclude, that a favorable trophic effect on the cartilaginous intervertebral substance is the reason for the not infrequently spectacular improvement of the patient.

This fully specific effect of calcium orotate oncartilage, as evidenced by the Tietze syndrome experience, appears now to be of tremendous clinical significance. Unfortunately, we only learned this after the repeated reports of White. While we were treating patients with spinal column syndrome and calcification damage, it had been apparent, for a longtime, that the reported and verified improvement of their condition, must be attributed to more than simply an influence on the bone tissue.

For example, we had five patients (f) and one patient(m) from 26 to 76 years, with symptoms of weakness and painful sensitivity in the wrists. In three cases, it could be observed only with a sphygmomanometer, and in three cases observation was not possible at all. Inevery case, the complaints disappeared with calcium orotate therapy. Upon removal of the therapy, or when the dosage was insufficient (less than about1.6g/week) the complaints returned.

Especially puzzling are the findings for 18 patients from our files, in which there were severe dislocating alterations of the spinal column. Treated with calcium orotate, these patients became exceptionally free of complaints. Other medications - Butazonderivate##922-31032#1884-30991#; VISWEB=#1715-54erapy, gold medication - had failed. Even intensive treatment with calcium EAP, and calciretard along with calcium-sandozand K-Mg-aspartate were ineffectual.

NOTE: The illustrations which are x-ray images cannot be reproduced by our copy machine, so they are omitted here. They are in the German manuscript however.
Illustration 1, Frau K, 35 years old,Before and after therapy with calcium orotate.

Illustration 2a, patient (f) H. Sch. 64 years
Severe complaint complex with LWS syndrome. Every imaginable therapeutic preventive measure taken to no avail. Infusion treatment with calcium-L-dl aspartate calciretard) plus calcium EAP for more than six months.Complete stationary immobilization for three months 1970/71 to no avail. The pain associated with the LWS syndrome had forced her almost to the point of complete immobility. About three to five weeks after starting calcium orotate therapy - an average of3g/daily - the patient was complaint free and remained so for 16 months - practically normal movement and walking ability. In contrast to calcium orotate, other calcium transporters such as calcium EAP and calciretard were fully ineffective. Is the improvement to be sought in a structurally favorable influence of the intervertebral tissue?

Illustration 2b,
Almost complaint free after six weeks intensive treatment with calcium orotate. reconstruction mainly in the gap between 3 and 4. LWK Both developments are stabilized. These findings are not the only ones which gave rise to our questions about the effectiveness of calcium orotate on cartilage.

In 1968, we started using calcium orotate to treat patients with definite Bechterewschen disease. There were, in all, five such patients and in all the cases the very intense pain in the spinal column disappeared for the most part. All previous treatments -phenylbutazone, cortisone, gold therapy and healing baths - had been ineffective.
Illustration 3, patient (f) N.N. 56 years

In 1963, the disease has progressed so far in this 56year old patient, that she was almost completely immobilized. In spite of standard therapies and seltzer water cure, the progression continued. By1968, the face was almost in a fixed position,movement and sitting were almost impossible. 1.5gcalcium orotate was prescribed daily for 54 months continuously. No more complaints. The face could be moved normally and the patient resumed her house hold duties.
The second picture is the patient (f) with Morbus Bechterew after 54 months continuous treatment with calcium orotate.

Illustration 4, patient (f) M.B. 71 years
Most severe complaints for three years as a result of spondylitic arthrosis deformation. Treatment with phenylbutazone and also in combination with cortisone and with pyrazolone showed only slight palliativeeffect. Calcium-sandoz forte tgl. 3 tabl. for over four months without any effect. After 10 days tgl. 5gcalcium orotate, the patient was almost complaint free, and has remained that way.

Illustration 5, patient (f) N.B. 81 years
A sister of Frau M.B. above. 10 years older. Xrays and symptom complex indicate a very severe case. After being treated with calcium orotate tgl. 5g, she became complaint free, that she again took up vigorous employment after previous inactivity.

Illustration 6, patient R. 79 years (f)
Frau R., mentally and bodily vigorous. Had an acute attack of a long time existing osteochondrosis. Quite comfortable lying down, but experienced immediate unbearable pain in the spinal column upon standing up. After treatment with 5g calcium orotate daily, the patient became complaint free within three weeks. The pain had previously worsened under cortisone therapy. Calcium-gluconate-citrate, phenylbutzone and indomethazine had no effect whatsoever. The curative effect of calcium orotate was permanent (now over 14months).

Illustration 7, patient (m) St. 55 years
Acute monarthritis of the right tibiotarsal joint, forcing him almost to the point of immobilization. Three tablets realin daily were of very little effect. Soludecortin H 50mg likewise. Volon 80 brought limited relief for 36 hours. Calcium orotate 8 tabl. each .5g daily brought improvement after 2 days and corrected the condition in 6. There are four similar cases.

Latest findings
By the end of 1972, we had experience with 21 cases of deforming spondylarthosis - five men, sixteen women, from 58 years up. Clinical and objective findings were consistent with the cases mentioned previously.14 out of 16 women and 4 out of 5 men were helped by calcium orotate alone. They were observed for over a year. The remarkable effect of calcium orotate (called Ca orotate for short) with Tietze syndrome in the intervertebral disk (and possibly in the ligamentous apparatus) causes us to again evaluate the metabolic specificity of cartilage and other bradytrophic tissue. Here the pentose pathway (so-called directoxidation) plays a very crucial role - an extremely old phylogenetic-metabolic pathway, which is not dependent upon the erythrocyte oxygen donation. In the pentose pathway, the ribose is activated through orotate coupling. For this reason, orotic acid plays a very essential role in the pentose pathway.
Here we are concerned with a large variety of tissues. Besides cartilage and ligamentous tissue, there is the connective tissue, the skin, the walls of the blood vessels, a specific section of the venules in the blood-brain barrier, the heart stimulation-regulation tissue and keratin building tissue (hair, nails,etc.). Also the pentose pathway plays a very important role in the bone matrix, in the heart muscle and in the liver (both in the liver cells and in the stroma).
The aromatic structure of the orotic acid isresponsible for the high complex stability of the salts, and the already mentioned highly complex passage through the cell membrane typical of orotic acid, plainly make the orotate an ideal mineral transporter. (4)

We are indebted to the tireless effort of Laborit (8) and his scholars (7) who made public the results of their year-long research which disclosed the vital effect of the pentose pathway in the function and structure of bradytrophic tissue. Life would not be possible without it. Previously, cartilage and connective tissue had been considered uninfluencable, for the most part.
If calcium orotate can bring about a change here, as was demonstrated, then there is not much value in the geriatric therapeutic concept.

An orientation is given concerning the clinical effects of calcium orotate (called Ca orotate for short). Because calcium orotate is free from side effects, it is superior to conventional calcium salts, which have certain problems when applied in osteoporosis with concomitant arteriosclerosis of the abdominal aorta. Calcium orotate, on the other hand, protects the body from arteriosclerosis.

Calcium, for this reason, is of value as a food supplement when used in the form of calcium orotate, which can penetrate the cell membranes as a complexform, compensating for defective calcium transit intothe cells. In addition, calcium orotate has a special affinity for cartilage and other bradytrophic tissue, where it is metabolized.
Not only is the basic principle of action quitesimple, but the long time therapeutic effects are ofconsiderable interest. A new dimension of therapy now appears with the improvements in osteochondrosis and disk degeneration treatment. Far better than thepresent therapeutic possibilities. Much the same observations seem to apply to osteoporosis.

Parallel investigations point to the importantpathogenetic significance of a defective calciumtransport through the cell membrane. This is the case, for example, in hypertensions - especially essential hypertension - in fatty liver, in disturbances of the ductile of the heart, and in contractile and metabolicin sufficiency of the hypertrophic myocardium. In respect to all of these indications, calcium seems to bring about the most promising therapeutic results,when combined with the carrier orotic acid for better transmembrane transport, in the form of calciumorotate.

1. Nieper, H.A.: Recalcification of Bone Metastases byCalcium Di-orotate, Agressologie II, 6, 495-502(1970);
2.Nieper, H.A.: A Clinical Study of the CalciumTransport Substances Ca-di-aspartate and Ca-2-aminoethanol Phosphate as Potent Agents Against Autoimmunity and Other Anticytological Aggressions,Agressologie VIII, 4 (1967);
3.Al Haddad, M.: Pers. Mitteilung;
4.Nieper, H.A.: The Anti-inflamm. and ImmuneInhibiting Effects of Calcium Orotate on BradytrophicTissues, Agressologie X, 3, 349-353 (1969);
5. White, M.D.: In Preparat. und pers. Mitteilung;6.Nieper, H.A.: Metabolisme du Calcium et du Phosphoredes patients traites pa l'Orotate de Calcium, Agressologie (Paris) 1971, 12,
6, 401-408; 6a.Nieper, H.A.: Bilanzuntersuchung desCalcium- und Phosphatstoffwechsels bei Patientin, diemit Calcium-Orotat behandelt werden, Z. praklin.Geriatrie (1197) 9, 184-191;
7.Sonka, J. (Prag): Voies de Pentoses-Physiologie etPhysiopathogenie, Agressologie VII, 5, 461-477 (1966);
8.Laborit, H.: Regulations metaboliques dans le TissuConjonctif, Agressologie 1969, 10, 1, p.11-26;Silberberg, R.: Gesamtband Act Rheumatologica,Documenta Geigy, No. 26 (1972), "Wachstum und Alterungdes Skelettes";
10.Doniach, D.: Die klinische Bedeutung derantimitochondrialen Antikorper, Deutch in: Triangel-Sandox, Band 11, 1, 29-34 (1972);
11.Kaufmann, R.I., Homburger, H., und H. Wirth:Disorder in Excitation-Contraction Coupling of CardiacMuscle from Cats with Exptl. Produced Right Ventric,Hypertrophy Circulation Research, Vol. XXVIII, 346-357(1971);
12.Rilling, S.: Gesamtdokumentation Bayer SpektromatLaboratorien, Stuttgart, Klagenfurter Str. 4 (1972);
13.Zondek, R.: "Die Elektrolyte", Springer, Berlin(1927), p. 299-300;
14.Kylin, E.: Die Hypertoniekrankheiten, J. Springer,Berlin (1926); 15.Nieper, H.A. und Kj. Blumberger:Wirkung von Elekrolyutschlepper - Verbindungen (K-Mg-Asparaginat) auf den Herzstoffwechsel, Beh. vonExtrasystolien Verh. dt. Ges. Kreislaufforsch. 27,238-242 (1961).

Sunday, September 9, 2007

49 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health

By Nancy Appleton

Nancy Appleton, Ph.D., is a nutritional consultant, researcher, lecturer, and author of Lick the Sugar Habit, Healthy Bones, and Balanced Body Secret.

  • Sugar can suppress the immune system.
  • Sugar upsets the minerals in the body.
  • Sugar causes hyperactivity in children.
  • Sugar produces a significant rise in triglycerides.
  • Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection.
  • Sugar can cause kidney damage.
  • Sugar reduces high density lipoproteins.
  • Sugar leads to chromium deficiency.
  • Sugar leads to cancer of the breast, ovaries, intestines, prostate and rectum.
  • Sugar increases fasting levels of glucose and insulin.
  • Sugar causes copper deficiency.
  • Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
  • Sugar weakens eyesight.
  • Sugar raises the level of neurotransmitters called serotonin.
  • Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
  • Sugar can produce an over-acid stomach.
  • Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children.
  • Sugar can lead to anxiety, difficulty concentrating and crankiness in children.
  • Sugar can cause aging.
  • Sugar can lead to alcoholism.
  • Sugar causes tooth decay.
  • Sugar contributes to obesity.
  • Sugar can cause acidity in the stomach.
  • Sugar can cause changes frequently found in persons with gastric or duodenal ulcers.
  • Sugar can cause arthritis.
  • Sugar can cause asthma.
  • Sugar can cause Candida albicans overgrowth (yeast infections.)
  • Sugar can cause gallstones.
  • Sugar can cause heart disease.
  • Sugar can cause appendicitis
  • Sugar can cause multiple sclerosis.
  • Sugar can cause hemorrhoids.
  • Sugar can cause varicose veins.
  • Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users.
  • Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.
  • Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
  • Sugar contributes to saliva acidity.
  • Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
  • Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
  • Sugar can decreased growth hormone.
  • Sugar can increase cholesterol.
  • Sugar can increase the systolic blood pressure.
  • Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
  • Sugar can cause migraine headaches.
  • Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein.
  • Sugar causes food allergies.
  • Sugar can contribute to diabetes.
  • Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
  • Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.

Be sure to recognize what is meant by the serving size as it relates to the overall container volume. For instance, a 24 ounce bottle of Pepsi contains three 8 ounce servings with each serving containing 28 grams of sugars or a total of 84 grams of sugars for the whole container. This far exceeds the daily 24 grams limit for someone adhering to a 1600 calorie daily diet or the daily 40 grams limit for those adhering to a 2000 calorie daily diet limit. Also, other soda flavors like grape and orange have a much higher sugar content per serving size. No wonder we have such an epidemic increase in diabetes and other ailments.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Stop Gagging on Fistfuls of Vitamins

Over 5 Million quarts of Body Balance sold since 1996.

If you have cells you NEED Body Balance!

Body Balance makes getting what you need not only "bareable" ... but even ENJOYABLE!

Body Balance tastes great. If you don't like the taste, or what it does for you then you get your money back. You have 45 days to try it risk free no questions asked.

There are several excellent reasons for the change from pills or synthetic supplements to natural liquids.

First of all, pills are harder for the body to digest and absorb.

In fact, as low as 10-20% of the nutrients taken in pill form actually make it to the cellular level. That means 80-90% has to be eliminated by the body, which can be very taxing on your system. It also means that for every $100 you spend on nutritional pills, about $85 goes down the toilet. Liquid, on the other hand, has an absorption rate up to 98%.

On page 1542 of the Physician's Desk Reference. This is considered to be the "medical Bible" and my patients know this to be a very reliable source. The bar graph that reveals nutrients in a pill form are only 10 to 20% absorbed compared to a liquid form which is up to 98% absorbed.

Secondly, pills are hard to take.

Children and senior citizens in particular have a hard time swallowing the large number of vitamin and mineral pills, tablets, and capsules that they need to maintain health. More and more people are recognizing the need for supplementation of many different vitamins and minerals. At the same time, more and more people are getting fed up with trying to take a handful of pills every day. Liquid is just easier.

Thirdly, figuring out what combination of pills to take is difficult and confusing.

For example, if you take Vitamin E, you need zinc. But if you take Zinc, you need Copper and Vitamin C in a certain balance for the Zinc and Vitamin E to be effective. Being able to take everything in a liquid form that is already balanced for you just makes more sense.

Fourthly, there is a liquid vitamin/mineral product already on the market that is tried, proven and obviously superior to anything in pill form.

The testimonies that are coming in from customers are absolutely astounding and the excitement is building. People are getting results that amaze even their doctors. In fact, thousands of doctors have used or recommend using this liquid product to all their patients, from infants to senior citizens.

Body Balance is Life Force International #1 Selling Product. Why? Because it works and it tastes good!

Life Force International has been producing Body Balance for over 22 years. This is a natural, cherry-citrus flavored, drink has up to a 98% absorption rate. Because this liquid nutritional supplement bypasses the digestive system, it goes directly into the blood stream and into cells within a matter of minutes. *

Compare this to traditional nutritional supplements which have only a 10-20% absorption rate. This means that for every $100 spent on traditional nutrition supplements, $90 of it is being flushed down the toilet!! *

It improves your body's efficiency for diets, and herbs while reducing the time required to achieve desired results.

This easy-to-swallow drink provides a broad-spectrum of nutritional supplements and antioxidants. One drink and you're done!

Together, with Aloe Vera, black cherry, honey and an exclusive blend of 9 sea vegetables, you get over 120 naturally occurring phytonutrients per ounce:

BENEFITS OF BODY BALANCE- Many report the following results:

1. Contains Every Essential Nutrient in Nature's Perfect Balance
*Vitamins *Macro Minerals *Trace Minerals *Amino Acids *Essential Fatty Acids

2. Cleanses the Colon and Normalizes pH Levels.
*Facilitates Elimination *Improves Absorption *Enhances Assimilation

3. Supports the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems.
*Detoxifies *Promotes Healing *Nourishes

4. Supports the Immune System
*Fortifies the body with essential nutrients needed to fight disease.

5. Supports the Nervous System.
*Fight the effects of stress *Improves vitality *Promotes a feeling of well-being

6. Supports Metabolic Processes.
*Facilitates Digestion *Reduces Cravings *Nourishes the Glandular System

7. Increases Oxygen at the Cellular Level.
*Promotes Energy *Promoted Stamina *Combats Aging *Supports Memory

8. Excellent Source of Antioxidants.
*Contains free radical scavengers known to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and strokes.

9. Anti-inflammatory Properties.
*Contains ingredients know to reduce Inflammation in Arthritis *Reduce Inflammation in Sports Injuries
*Help relieve Inflammatory Diseases

10. Combats Side Effects of Harmful Substances.
*Alcohol *Drugs *Tobacco *Environmental Pollutants

Body Balance even provides you with dietary fiber.

74 minerals
23 vitamins
3 essential fatty acids
21 amino acids
7 enzymes and nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen

Because Body Balance is absorbed within a matter of minutes, it saves your body energy on digestion. Many people don't realize that digestion sucks up more energy than any other system in the body. Any energy savings you can do for your body is like "preserving your battery."

Nourish Yourself All "The Way To Wellness"

With Life Force products, you get the best of both worlds:

1) Natural-source nutrients and phytonutrients from whole-food sources.

2) The most bio-available absorbable liquid form.

Life Force products are based on this wellness philosophy;

" When the body gets what it needs, it then has the opportunity to address its own health challenges."

Your body has tremendous capacity to heal itself, and bring itself back into balance. All you have to do is feed your body the right things.

Safe Skin in the Summer Sun

The pool or the beach may look inviting and the thought of a little time in the sun may seem like a good idea, but the compounding affects of the pool, beach, sun, and air condition on your skin may change your mind.

For starters, the chlorine, while great to trap and kill any algae or bacteria that gets into the pool, can also strip your skin's outer layer of its protective coating of oils, sweat and natural acid. Likewise the fluctuating levels of salt and other chemicals in the ocean have a somewhat abrasive and drying affect on your skin which can be problematic for extremely dry or delicate skin. The sun certainly has its allure-especially when it comes to adding a little color to your skin, but the problem is the color is often indicative of cellular damage and can be accompanied by long-term skin challenges or premature aging. Finally, the wind and air condition provide much needed relief to the heat from the summer, but usually at the expense of drying out your skin.

Here are a few tips that should help keep your skin healthy and radiant through the summer months:

With extended time in the sun and peeling, you'll be tempted to exfoliate more often in the summer. Not only should you resist this temptation (limiting yourself to no more than twice a week), you should exercise caution when exfoliating. Be sure to use gentle exfoliating products and limit the pressure you apply with your hands, fingers, washcloth or loofah to minimize damage. And if your skin looks a little pink after you're through exfoliating, don't worry because the exfoliating action naturally stimulates circulation and blood flow causing the blush of color to your skin. It's also important to remember to take the time to follow exfoliating with a nourishing or hydrating product to put back some of the natural oils and moisture you've stripped away.

I make my own exfoliator using virgin coconut oil and sugar. It’s good enough to eat! : ) Check out for other ways to use virgin coconut oil.

We’ve found that Body Balance applied with your hand or a cotton ball will nourish and help you skin heal from overexposure. You skin will absorb the 121 nutrients in Body Balance and the aloe will help sooth and heal sunburn and itchy, dry skin. Do this several times a day, and I think you’ll be impressed with the results.

Your sunscreens and suntan lotions are intended for short-term use, meaning that once you have come in from the sun you should wash them completely from your face and body. The chemicals and other active ingredients for sunbathing or sun blocking can be drying or very oily, so it's important that you remove them with a gentle, natural cleanser and follow with a moisturizing product to help replace the natural oils the sun and chemicals strip away.

Skip the sun if you're on antibiotics. Antibiotics, like anti-inflammatories and anti-histamines, often contain ingredients that are photosensitizing-meaning they can leave your skin vulnerable to ultraviolet light exposure. This can cause itching, scaling, rashes, and inflammation as well as cause a pretty nasty sunburn. If you have questions about whether you should avoid the sun while taking your prescription medication, check with your pharmacist, doctor or dermatologist (very important as some topical skin products from your dermatologist can be very photosensitive).

Drink lots of water. This isn't just important to your system which is often dehydrated after being in the sun, it's critical for your skin which is the first organ affected by sun exposure.