Doctor Gerald Olarsch, N.D. Speaks Out
By Dr. Gerald Olarsch, N.D.
Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD and the mineral connection.
Parents and doctors alike now believe that diet and nutrition can play a key role in managing ADHD and learning disabilities.
Learning disabilities are definitely linked to the fundamental lack of minerals in the body. Dr. Olarsch says this condition commonly appears in children as an extreme desire for salty and sugary foods. “Unfortunately for us, our body temporarily translates sugar and salt consumption as a fulfillment of the craving for nutritional minerals”.
Using iron deficiency as an example he says, “Low iron levels were found to impair judgement, reasoning ability and all aspects of left, brain activity, including scientific, mathematical spoken and written language skills”. Iron is the only one of the many nutrient deficiencies impacting the health of individuals.
Clinically low levels of magnesium in the blood plasma are also associated with conditions of hyper-excitability and inattention in children. It has been estimated that up to 90 percent of children are magnesium deficient.
The behavior problems associated with ADHD have also been liked to zinc deficiency. A
These are just a few of the mineral deficiencies that are impacting the nutrition of children and adults alike. The body requires dozens of elements to function optimally and since it does not manufacture them all we must go to other sources.
We now have sufficient evidence to know the condition of ADHD and learning disabilities are related to mineral deficiency. This problem can be remedied quite simply with a regimen of mineral supplementation.
According to Peter Breggin, M.D., and his best selling book, Talking Back to Ritalin, he states Ritalin and other brain stimulants create severe biochemical imbalances. Stimulants do not “normalize the brain; they render it abnormal. Stimulants produce pathological malfunctions in the child's brain.
Dr. Breggin is an expert in the negative effects of drug therapy such as Ritalin. Dr. Breggin maintains that stimulants and amphetamines have an extremely negative impact on the brain – by reducing overall blood flow, disturbing glucose metabolism, and possibly causing permanent shrinkage or atrophy of the brain. Ritalin as well as other stimulants produce a loss of various neurotransmitters changing the chemistry of the brain with irregular flow. Stimulants and amphetamines can impair the limbic system, the region of the brain that regulates and conveys emotional and mood to the cerebral cortex. The cortex controls intelligence, concentration and problem solving. From age four to ten new learning experiences are reorganized and reinforced through connections between brain cells.
As a child learns new things, new connections form, and neuron development enhances. Ritalin and other stimulants can interrupt blood flow and connections between brain cells. Stimulants can worsen pre-existing tic disorders in children who have a risk for the disorder.
Dr. Gerald Olarsch, N.D.